Thursday, November 27, 2008


ThanxGiving=Day, November 27th, °8...How did we used to

do minute=last groxery shopping afore fone=cells? Rhetoric!

i am gratefull for a good many things on this dé, but i am

ashamed and appalled at what the young Apostates are

doing in Bombay. They are Cowardly unholy monsters AND

they are devilishly perverting the message of their Prophet.

My holyday message to them is the same as it ever was:

CUT THE CRUD. Hatred, Murder & Anger are Sins.

i hope and Pray that everyone is travelling well from place

to place on this gorgeous and graditudinous week=end.

Maisy is moving South toward the Capsizer and his crew...

[they're probly eating their Benjamin Berd as i write this.]

Both my sisters have already been to FLORIDA aseason,

following that reliable rule~South in the winter, North in the

summer. The engineer has broken that rule by motivating

from Vegas to Reno...but we'll forgif him acause NEVADA

is a temperate and Western desert=land. Hey! Turtle!

Amembre how we had Turky dinner last year at that diner

on 20th schtreet? i'm schtill thankfull for that easy meal!

Aday~Cat & the kidren are basting and baking a Chicken;

it's not the berd, it's the FIXIN's! Blessingful Mercies, i've

cookt as much as the same on a great numbre of Holydés

AND the soop=after was just as warmly antiviral...

Kay & Harry are more'n likely co=ordinating their Feast

as well and best as Rosie & the Colonel, each in Place.

{it is the poorer Person who serves a netted presst berd

breast on such a day...yet G & J Bless ALL meals}

Saterdé will be a Happy Happy Joy Joy for Lizzer=Hane,

wherever She finds her lovely soul! Such a perfect and

pretty Niece all uncles should have [and i am loaded to the

Gizzard with three of them, two grand=nieces as well.]

Moderatus~the Bishop of MYRA is polishing his boots...


Friday, November 21, 2008



>posted as JAJA to the Web, with a bus=pass>

on Slacktown^ not slack back mack...>

Thursday...i rippt my share of cee=dees randomly

Fridé~COUSIN MARK's birfdé, epochal 8

TITLE: esoteric eclecticism, a schtock not Traded

MOOD: optimistik & gratefull, none=with=standing

MUSIK: disco, r&b, othre random Hits & jazz

WIDEO: haus repeats for the cheese=cake & banter

JOKE: a sheep and a border collie went gamboling

thru a field of Poppies in Afghanistan. They muncht

on some of the plants AND it went like this:

...baa...bark...COMA. [talibani ate 'em both]

ANAGRAM: see abof^

SOOP: noodles added, and bettre than tea=made

WEATHRE: cold but sunny, wear suede gloves & bootz

FLORA: trees bare, grass yet green

FAUNA: i schnuck up on a Hawk which flew from the bushes

Aside one of the out=of=werk Gasoline staxions!

TEXT: some=one, some=where sent me LATIN Commentary to

the effect of: "Lorem ipsum vim utroque mandamus

intellegebat, ut eam omittam ancillae, per et euis

solita veritus." Altho i am cat=lick & have only a

Glancing knowledge of such inscripteræ [i served as an

Acolyte at summer=camp during the Folk=song masses],

i'll need a Translator to suss the ken of that^

Compliment. Twas Ever Thus. Mitzvah & Mirabile...

Meanwhile~the Turtle/engineer/restless Itinerant has

moved NorthWise in the Silver Mountain state from one

project to the prospect of anothre. My brothre moves

faster and bettre than me from Point to Point, yet WE

are ne'er much Separated by genetyx NOR schpace=time.

{his children are my children, three blox away}

i am wandering & meandering in thot & Effort of

these ninth month Possibilities! [the Romans gave us

Novembre from the Nine; the Cherch of CONSTANTINE and

othres put it back in line.] TURKEY! i would not so

casually terminate the flesh of such a grand berd on

account of it was wild on the original Pilgrimage.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Sundé, Novembre 18th, 2oo7...[edited repost]

TITLE: Thank the dé, Avancedly & behind=wise

MOOD: blustery mit [no] schnay yet

MUSIK: wait--i'm untangling my ishpod ear=buds,

and there's like four (4) media players on my Drive;

maybe [later] i'll schpin some 45s on my fonograf.

WIDEO: between EARL and er, i watched

the democratik debate from LAS VEGAS.

TEXT: i hope the devil=dogs forgif me for schkipping

over the USMC birf=dé on the Tenth; i was catching

up on the elexion results. Tuesday, November 20th:

i am behind of much! ...Maybe, just may=be, i will

catch myself up over the Gratitude weekend...Appreciata!

For all the schmall favours granted in loving=kind.

Tuesdé, novembrus xix, anno mmviii (present Day):

TITLE: a Flurry of Actifity


MUSIK: 70s disco & the Beatles' LOVE on ishpod;

just rented James Brown, Stevie Wonder & bee=gees

from the public liberry

WIDEO: sopranos...daily

PUXXLE: done but not chekt

ANAGRAM: bar a cab moka, OR some=such

SOOP: about to boil a Breast, simmering now

WEATHRE: 33°, windy cold, mit schnay Flurries

FLORA: brown dead oak leafs on my rampart

FAUNA: i saw a six or eight point Buck Saterdé,

on the way home in the Dark--he scooted

TEXT: my buddy/cuddy PETE was good enuf & kind enuf

to transport me Home last night; he played a mix

cee=dee of SEX PISTOLS & DEAD KENNEDYS in the cab.

We also reminisced about all the magnificent shows

that were put on at the Aer=bingo [RAMONES, BEAT


it is Gratifying to have a friend who Appreciates

the "Classics"! Aday, i made the best use of the

bus=lines to Visit ALL my girls--from the Credit

Union to the farmacy [her name was MARNIE, like the

HITCHCOCK film] & back to the Liberry, where a

grand Audio-Visual docent was put out that She had

to resort the Davids. {there is a Drifer on the

A route who never conducts without his moll} It

was a fiercely Cold dé to carry a handful of

Quarters up to the APT from my attentif JAMIE...

in Hopes that i can ride again from soft to soft.

i am Anticipatory of more schnow, ~slac~

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Thursday, November 13th, °°8...

Velcome to slack=town, all and one!

With more gadgets than'll take

me about a month of Sundés to figger out

How to publish to this here Page. {i crave

Simplicity in a complex werld} What epoch

is this, any=way? i'm gonna affirm my efforts

to keep the text terse and tight. *right*

Currently, it's drixxly and dreary in the

Walley with wet leaves every=where.

Good thing i have my anti=wet boots.

It was quite dull on the Yard yesterday,

until my cuddie & buddy GARY brang me

a pint of VICKIE's home=made chicken soop!

Secret: it was bettre than my own.

My wintre beard [goatee] is mottled and

pie-bald but i've trimmed it up in Honour of

the page change. Filosofy~if facial fuzz can't

be discerned on a dappled autumn day, does

it schtill have a raison d'être? ~slac~

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Thursday, November Sixth, °°8...the New Epoch

For Simplicity's sake, i'm gonna Compose this one in Ariel

'tho i doubt it won't get gefutzled & befuddling on the Page.

{i'll probly need a coupla Sundés to up=fix my Templates}

i encourage all my Glowers to send me the linx to their new

Pages, via Comments, e=mail et cetera...VERITAS!

Meanwhile~there was a record out=turn for the most recent

Elexion; i applaud You all. WE now have a Pacific Islander

as President=Elect! G Bless him & Preserve him Acause

there's alotta werk ahead. [secret: i woulda Voted for the

John McCain who ran at the turn of the Epoch, but he made

too many Right turns 'twixt then & now.] i predict Great

things for SARAH HEATH...she is A SHARP NAIL.

Also~from now on, when i want to change the subject of

Dinner Conversation, i'll be interjecting with a hearty,

"Hey! How 'bout them fleegle Phillies?!" Amorro~slac~

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Friday, October 31st, o8...Hallowed Eve:

i moved the Glow, after a fashion. {the

font formats are a bit screwy, but i believe

i Preserved all the text} Pressure!

Schports: there i was, trying to watch

HEROES and fiddling line=on...when i

decided to take a glance at the big game.

Here and i thot that, maybe, i would see

the Filadelfia Athletyx wrap up the Series;

gosh, was i ever mistaken. For the first

Time in History, the octobre classic was

called [in the 6th] on account of pelting

cold rain. {i don't follo the beis=ball too

closely on account of i hesitate to effect

the outcome} Later, that same week, i

did get to see the about as much

time as i like to devote to such matters.

The pre=game show was also quite

interesting, what with one of the nominees

of the Presidential contest purchasing air

time for an infomercial?! Strange dés...

More Polytryx: the Governor robocalled me

yesterdé becos Senator BIDEN [Joe the

Senator] was coming to the college; this

morning, BILLY BLAINE automatically foned

my machine about a contest lower on the

ticket. i did not go to the college to see

the Senator for the simple reason that i

had seen BILLY at that same venue quite

Awhile back when his^ lovely bride was

schtill in the running. Tuesdé cain't come

soon enuf for me--even iffen i haf to wait

in a long line just to flip a coin! VOTE!

The saving of the Glow proved to be a

welcome Distraction; AWOL might could

oughta considre changing evything up more

oftener, just to keep their last remaining

customers on Defence. {i applaud them}

Regardless=of=much~it'll take me anothre

fortnight to get the old Glow & the new Glow

synchronised. Patience! WE gain an hour

somewise after the 'passage of the Saints'.
