Post=Primary Posit...[edited from Previous]
An omnibus numbre of Democrats failt to endorse Arlen
Specter as their Senator. Or so the headline stated in a
Newspaper i don't buy. Such things ever happen in yearoff
Elexions. Isn't it far past the time WE called for a Convention
of the Constitution? In the Nation AND in the KeyStone?
{i voted for a great many losers, but i voted less=the=none}
TITLE: That Recycling Bicycling Bagman [with a nice a**]
MOOD: afflicted, assailed and insulted But never indicted.
DENNIS HOPPER, LENA HORNE...and many others
PRESSURE: 110/80 pulsing 99 [after biking to machine]
The field report: All the canines i meet are well=bred,
well cared for AND always Happy to meet me. There have been
screeching Cats in the morning, caterwauling as they do.
Yet~iffen WE play jungle=music into the early dawn, they
feel rutly embarassed and move on. Birds and bunnies...
Black Bags: we have an aschtounding lack of them, a non
Plethora of devices for disguising our wonderful Garbage.
The Concierege will breeze through Amorro to correct the
situation, i am nearly sure. He might could also install
the AerConditioning that CHICAGO needs much more than I.
Thursday, June 3rd, 2o1o...we join our schtory in Progress:
Whither went MAY? i used to journalise on a much more regular
basis; now, i cannot find the Time to check my filtered email
at the Liberry! i've kinda misst Mothers' Day, Memorial Day
[the liberry was closed that Saterdé & Mondé] and even BLADE's
birfdé on account of it. {i get the creeping feeling i'm just
gonna get behinder and behinder in a rotary fashion} The lord
of the manour was good and busy all week Putting the bunkhaus
in ordre for the Season & shewing that empty Room which has
become filled. The engineer also came for me the Sun=Day afore
Memory--WE launcht at Our greek diner, walkt the Flowre Park,
Snatcht up ROCKY at the Gresser Park, took in that Persian
film [i see a movie every two years whethre i need it or none]
AND got Our collectif hot dog king fix. His white sedan is a
grand improvement over the black one, thru no fault of me that
WE drofe black beauty through multiple schtates in And-Seven.
Anon~i do not know where the TURTLE travails; he picks up and
leafs in Momentous & Momentary terms! i navigate Whence...
Of the Global & Local polytryx, i scratch my head incredibly.
There are amazing disastres on every Peninsula, in every Gulf,
on every schtretch of Earth that has been graced from on High
AND the children are forever fighting & quarreling over them!
CUT THE CRUD! it's a small delicate space=ship. Learn 2 Live.
Also--the Keystone Kops have tried to pass a very divisive
piece of radio legislation telling the Junior licensees that
they cannot fone=cell behind the wheel BUT all their Parents,
Guardians & Judges can?! What the fuggle??? Try passing a more
comprehensif ban against the manual dialing that kills. Vero.
So there i was, wind=schprinting toward the donut shoppe on
a slowly deflating rear tire, when a Platinum blonde called out
to me,"I like your A**!" Called i back from my gifted schteed,
"Thanks! i werk on it!" What kind of girl shouts out at a rider
from a fast moving car for such an Encounter? Overmore--i was
wearing my loose carpentre jeans with full pockets; why must
i endure this degrading feminist commentary? Acause it has come
full circle to me, as the wheels turn under me. Gracias.
--the tanned and muscular [mindful] slac--