Tuesday, April 13, 2010


A good shave would probly endear me to my very

own Customers on the morro; that could Happen.

{i travel fast & fervently with Companions and come

to nearly Nothing; it's my VITALISM.} *BOOTS*

Mondé, April 12th, 2o1o...and it's been so long since i even

bothered to make a good shaving! it's like i can never schteal

more than a few moments for my=own=self in the Bunkhaus.

[STONY tells me it's Healthier for me to Live in community.]

Yesterdé, it was ne'er so crasy on the Yard, BUT i did haf to

send a Customer home. He brang grass...i explained that he

couldn't leaf it with me...he off=loaded the remaindre of his

yardwaste...THEN, he shovelled the grass into the bin also.

So~i Xplained it again, handed him the Parish brochure And

sent him on his Way. {he'll hate me for awhile for being such

an hard=ass, but i've already Forgiven him his transgression}

Wèzné night was werse for anothre thing~one of the Parish

code officers brot a tarpfull of Yardwaste, i helpt him place it

in one of the full bins, AND my ishpod came loose and fell in!

This is a disastre for my little musik machine, which is after

all a GIFT from my Sister...i am Praying to Anthony that it

wasn't crusht NOR destroyed, but that it will retourn to me OR

that i will find it upon Visiting the county facility this Tuesdé.

[i can't image such a delicate object being summarily tosst out.]

Meanwhile~the rear=tire on the bicycle has lost and gained

aer a numbre of Times in the current week. i rode it flat for a

mile afore filling it Wednesday night on the commute. These are

complex matters for a simpleton--grading up the bike, Visiting

and paying the Doctor, chasing miscreants off my sweet Werk,

forbearing the bunkhaus dramas as they happen, AND holding my

Sanity in Perfect harmony. Perhaps.

Thank goodness i haf a genie looking after me from A-far.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


There's a lot more to write on a cold day...but i gotta

get this crud to the Library and post it vaguely, badly.

Oh! MIAMI's girlfriend is cooking for the haus and

warshing the bulk of the dishex; i'm not gonna be the

one to send her Away. ~likeable*bikeable slac~

Tuesday, March 30th, 2o1o...as usual, i schpeak too soon.

MIAMI sent his girl=friend away yesterdé as i was at werk.

He said something to the effect that 'she wasn't the Person

she made herself out to be.' i consoled him,"i'm not the person

i pretend to be either." Friday, April Second, 2o1o...and no

sooner had He sent her away than he was wiring money to

anothre girlfriend! {i should haf such problems, and such cash}

Wèzné, after learning that MIAMI needs to cut out all his

refined [white] foods, i bicycled toward the bus=stop afront

of the Ukey cherch, where i met my community college friend,

JOHN. He told me the sad schtory of How he was robbed of his

wallet & celfone at knife=point the night before. i did not tell

him that i, myself, haf become very Aware of situations posing

Endangerment since i was assaulted in that very cherch park

lot in 1993 (Nineteen-hundred and ninety-three). Crime and

evil are evrepresent in the modern werld. Once werking, i would

make a list of my customers...MATT the publik werker, BOB &

his wife [they gave me the bicycle], ALICE, DALE & MORTY [he

werkt with my Pop & is Episcopal]...DON who loves aerplanes,

KEVIN who met the engineer, LINDA who signs my pay=stubs,

Italian FRANK and DENNIS, the Jeep drifer. All them i serve.

Thor'sdé, i saw the BETHLEMITE roomy off on his bicycle and it

made me late for the morning office. {it's not good for a man

to sing alone in Jah's temple} Later, at the METHODISTRY, We

set a record for Food collection...Pastor JAMES called it six tons

(1200 pounds) and even with the conveyor belt, We all felt it!

Also~by anothre pastoral miracle, loaves came by car. The cherch

basement was fuller than my Dumpsters® by almost. It was truly

a perfect schpring dé to do such a thing. A good mandatus...

i finisht the guest=soop while palavering with CHICAGO.

Aday was bike=riding day in the wonderfull sunshine; the market

was ubercrowded [i go for the free samples]. TERRY gave me the

yester-papre & i wisht wholesome holydés to Irish JANE and MARK

of the Café on Eighteenth Avenue. This was after i schpent the morn

in the Liberry & afore i checkt the food stamp damage for a stalk

of Celery. {one can get around quite nicely on a Huffy® bicycle}

Amorro should be a bear at werk, tho i am to=it=up AND the Rising

Day shall be enjoyed with CAT and her kindren. SABAOTH~i must

amembre to schprinkle lamb's=blood on the doorway of the bunker

afore the long sun sets...Wouldn't want the DeathAngel taking any

of me nor Mine. There will be more pedaling as well. ~wheeltslac~

NB: i also caught up with ED & JEFF of the mansion Neighbory...

They know i am doing well to ride into Them on two (2) circles.