Saturday, February 28, 2009


"Never mind~i have anothre range on

which to make my chicken soop."


And he walks for the sake of walking.

i made a point of visiting CAT at her

new location. [Yes, anothre move.]

Her schtove & her fridge are setting on

the Porch of her home=row. ~Best of best,

they did move well & now, they are

permanent campers like me. ~It's a fair

thing that they were my first Visiteurs,

and i was theirs. Perfect progress...

^8=28=°6^---slac don't post on Sundé.

Friday, February 27, +9: Who knew there

was gonna be so much turmoil roundabout

when them moves was made? WAIT! i knew

it Completely the minute i turned over

the keys to the Hovel! [a pre=date of

the current hausing crisis?] Scrape and

Scrap, i have done no bettre than anyone

else in these dearthly dire Days; afact,

my schtumbling 'progress' has paralleled

each & every faulty schtep of the past

four (4) Years. {T'ain't none so Blind

as them that loox away} Yet, then again,

one only meets up with those troubles

which are customised toward the Soul...

Saterdé: the Yard was only as cold as my

hard black heart, And yet not as busy as

the Cathedral with its catafalque of

another departed Bishop. It's gonna be

a long, lean Lent...

Monday, February 23, 2009


Tuesday, February 20th, °7:

It was me driving through that

blinding snow=squall


Frederick and Alexandria. On

SUNDAY, we travelled South again,

this time to see Kay in her condo.

She is about to undertake a major


of the schpace;the

Engineer and i went to help pack

boxes and move some furniture.

{didn't i just pack a gaggle of

boxes about two years ago?} It

was a great visit And Harry served

us capuccino yet again. We'll have

lots more fun at COUSIN MAISY's

CINCO de MAYO nuptials;and, for

lent, i'm giving up cruise control.


Open Records! Legislatif Reform! Even a

constitutional convention would be nice.

Let's keep they feet to the fire^ *rant*

Oh, never mind~it's just a thing. ~slac~

^reposited from Septembre Fourth, °7^

Tuesday, September Second, °8...and i

Expect no less from Sarah Palin and

the operatifs in Minnesota...this Election

will turn on who does and does not get

the Constitution of these United States.

...Onward, Young ones!

{i'm schtill getting my skooling in so many

venues; one Day, i may finally learn}


Mondé, February 23rd, +9...The sun did come

Out on Saterdé, as did some regular cuddies.

And tho' as cold as was, i did paste my

Xposed face with screen=sun. [the roll=offs

are filling Anticipatedly unto the Season.]

Aday, i folloed the instruction from the

Engineer to forward his actual mail anon.

{these^ are few and fiddling, 'cept His

call to jury=duty in His behind-left state}

There were twelve (12) unseparated people

afront of me at the post office, but i

unravelled my ishpod for the brief Time

and was glad to be out of the fierce Wind!

This Year, like millions, i am renouncing

Poverty for LENT. It is a schteep climb.

Presently, i marinate a chicken breast

for Monday dinner. ~XecutifableSlac~

inlaw How much?

slak~ hey

inlaw heool

inlaw or....hello

slak~ abso

inlaw ipso

slak~ who had Latin?

inlaw surely

inlaw red too

slak~ warm enuf?

inlaw tdw today

slak~ i actually had good turnout on Yard

inlaw u betcha

inlaw long ride

inlaw sunburn forehead

slak~ i did spf?!

inlaw never thought about it

inlaw put top[\ down about miles away

slak~ yeh--weird with hat & gloves

slak~ wind in all that hair

inlaw uh huh

inlaw ice too

slak~ beats vacuuming the interior^

inlaw dat too

slak~ litter just flies out onto cyclists

inlaw uh huh

inlaw heaar from Kay?

slak~ yes

inlaw how she?

slak~ they have schniffles

inlaw awww

inlaw [amount=less]

slak~ that's a pity

inlaw bad time to retire

slak~ or almost anything else!

inlaw yeah


inlaw reading?

slak~ watching cosby?!

inlaw sent lots

slak~ i've saved a bunch of jokes...printed ones

inlaw as opposed to?

slak~ the bigger videos

inlaw ah ha

slak~ have to look at the linkt stuff too

inlaw uh huh

slak~ still messages in e=mail

inlaw geez! What are you doing all day?

slak~ i clean out the box on sunday

inlaw and the rest of the week?

slak~ internet sporadically

inlaw ok, and what else?

slak~ copy cds from town liberry

inlaw ahhh

slak~ and other outdoor adventures

inlaw what's her name?

slak~ names?

inlaw /smiley/

inlaw and ages???

slak~ gotta check that!

inlaw mo teenyboppers!

slak~ they sloppy dressers nowadays...

inlaw ya

slak~ off i go~Legend of the Seeker


inlaw where you go/

slak~ lead & follo

inlaw at same time?

slak~ it's easy

inlaw [link]

slak~ looks cool; i'll check it out

^IMP edited^

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Abraham Lincoln's 200th birfdé...

the Great Emancipator & Preserver of

the UNION woulda been two hundred years

old Aday. But he woulda been more noted

for walkin' around with a derringer ball

in his cranium. {i do not make light of

such things, having visited the GARFIELD

haus in Ohio & recently, Ford's theatre}

Modern Economyx: the next stimulus can't

come too soon for me...i wasted the one

from GEORGE [also a Suspender of habeus

corpus] on Necessaries!?! Over=more, i

werk at a job with two (2) shovels and

it's a Green Job to boot. Steel=toed.

Acause i woulda coulda shoulda clasped

a situation in Life more akin to the

robber=barons of Industry, i empathise

completely with the lady who just made

eight (8) babies. Them is the future.

Barack will have a fine time setting the

balances right and the pendulæ motioning

toward centre. [some can only Rise.]

Weathre: it's a fierce Wind which is fixt

from the Heavens on the eastwise land,

after destroying too much & too many in

the SOONER STATE. Perhaps the breath of

Jah has poured out upon us to correct our

strides forward. What i know is that the

berds don't favour Flying against it!

{in a few dés, there will be crocuses

peeking out for the Sparrows & Squirls

to dine on} Buddhists have the tendency

to let aer pass thru 'em... *whoosh*

Amor: Saterdé will be the feast of that

Saint who perisht in a flail of Arrows.

In his Remembrance, i will hold my candy

chocolates from each of my Sisters TO

each & all my mistresses & girl=friends.

i bet the Mail is good on that Day...


Monday, February 9, 2009


Sunday, February 8th,°9...
Well, that was quite the toe=tappin'
touchdown last week, wasn't it? It
was the only play i really saw. But
it made us Champions yet again. The
latest cold snap has abated; it was
nearly temperate today as i made a
long circuit south of my hill. A few
people came through the Park as i was
there...the old neighbourhood looks
much the same. [when was i last there?
November maybe?] And altho the snow
and ice are melting & sublimating, it
is a muddy mess underfoot where the
earth is AND the paved parts are salty
and gritty and grey. Six more weeks!

Mondé, February Ninth,°9...

in the self=same

week in which i met a quorum

of cats on the way home from werk, the

schnay has nearly completely vanisht.

The berds are much Happy of the warmth.

{the sun=shine is more heartening than

the ambient temperature.} Meanwhile, i

am much Agrieved of the summer suffers

in AUSTRALIA. Nature can be cruel and

heartless to her inhabiteurs. i Pray

it gets no worse down=under. ~slac~