Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Tuesday, October 19, 2004...

A clean shunky is a happy shunky.

Vote Early! Vote Often! It's gonna

be another squeaker. Thems

that ain't waitin' in line to vote

is waitin' in line for a flu shot.

{Either way, you're gonna get

priggled...} TATCWP

Thot: "i kinda like it when the Sun begins slanting

over my Yard toward the end of day in the Autumn;

it points up the sidereal aspects of reality."

Wednesday, October 19, 2005...I'm getting those

familiar questions again: "How late are you guys

open?", "When do you guys close for the year?"

And "Do you guys take [this crud]?" TO which i

lovingly respond,"Hey~it's only me here, a

Naked singularity in clean jeans & winter woolies.

{i am one & one is all} The yard waste & recycling

Universe opens and closes within me, and there

are no Others without." But~it wouldn't serve my

good customers well to thus blow they minds!

The Pennsy Legislature is schtill behaving badly.

They killed a proposal for a constitutional confab,

tabled a bill to shrink their size and budget AND

barely *submitted* an Open Records

law. Some of these remaining cronies are just

putting more staples in their catafalque. {i'd be

more angry if i weren't so deeply Disappointed

and Ashamed} Well, Keystoners vote again soon!

While i'm praying for MALIBU and PAKISTAN, i

believe i'll schtart a bigAce badAce booeyChili...

it'll schpook my roomies as the Night of Souls

comes to the Walley. ~hotlyHaunted slac~

^reposits of 2oo4, 2oo5 & 2oo7 octobres^

Let us say,"Certain improvements have been made;

there's still a long, long Way to go." Last year, i was

frantic about moving the blog/Glow from its old place

to its new home in cyberwerld; this year i find myself

Camping in urbania, schtruggling like a beast to keep

ahead of the deepening Recession. But! i must Love

living with people Acause i am fysically connected with

hundreds of them. {i'm not talking about my friends and

relatifs on SpaceMy & BookFace, though They are nice}

Where does this tangent terminate? Àqui...

Thursday, October 22nd, °9...How 'bout dem PHILS?

Even i could visit a game where they hit eleven homers.

Too bad the casino placement is biting back the lawyers

unto their own Corruption. Wait! there's a little election

coming as a prelude to the wholesale replacement of ALL

the caucuses next year. [evybody fuggled the Budget^]

What happens to a man when he misses a week's werth of

morning prayers? No especial disastre. As i was going to

my résumé review, i gave the one (1) Pastor my cell numbre.

And then i took my six (6) bus=trips around the Rivers...

{a faer girl at the next computre scantly mentioned the

cherch on 21st Avenue where i do Xian Karaoke} This, too,

will be recovered of. A great deal of my current Action

serves as good Xample to my household; if We improve in

civility & kindness, perhaps the rest of the werld will too.

Friday, October 23rd, °9...Amorning, on the veranda, WE

were a quorum of five And having a good Time of it. Yet

it wasn't an official meeting, unless one counts my very

next roomy asking me for garbage bags as an authoritatif

procedure. {i live to serve} WE lament the brief passing of

yesterdé's Indian Summer and travel from night into day like

a FRATERNITY of middling men. Me? i'm gonna put up one of

my BaBa Chilis & read the Voters' Guide. Twas Ever Thus.

~hausman slac~

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